Gratitude: Your Ultimate Path to Happiness

Gratitude is a crucial component to living happier and longer lives. Research has revealed that a lack of gratitude or appreciation can have a negative impact on your wellbeing (Watkins et al.). Actually, this makes sense. 

Gratitude -

Recently I had arthritis in my big toe removed. This was after a year of pain and I discovered it could be removed through surgery. I went through a phase of why me! I found it hard to be grateful for anything and was a real grump at home and at school (I am a teacher – poor students you say!).

The turning point…

It took eight weeks of not walking on the foot for it to heal. The pain gradually left. It was fantastic! I notice a change in my feelings about life! It is now easier to listen to others and the world.

I am able to walk my dog ‘Faith’ along Long Reef Headland, the golf course and beach. I feel gratitude for being able to walk without pain.

Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller in Lead to Win a weekly Podcast dedicated an episode to the topic of gratitude. They describe four reasons why you should practice gratitude.

1.    Improved health  … for me… (yep!)
2.    Greater happiness… (yep!)
3.    Career advancement…  (a career in retirement…)
4.    Accomplishing your goals… (enjoy being in the classroom, write more books, speak, sing and a movie deal for my non-fiction book series)

They asked us to focus on abundance rather than scarcity in our lives.

For each of us to find ways to develop a gratitude consciousness within oneself through reflective journaling, sharing of success stories and finding gratitude for the smallest of things.

Gratitude has the humblest of beginnings. It can grow through a profound understanding of the meaning of life – which is unique for each one of us.

Amy Morin (2014) in her article 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude that Will Motivate You to Give Thanks Year-Round lists enhanced empathy, reduced aggression, more relationships, improved self-esteem and better sleep as substantial benefits of being grateful – a gratitude disposition.

Now here is the challenge!

Find an object (small toy, dice, stone) you can place in your pocket. Make it your memory spike to be grateful. As you touch the object try to feel gratitude at that moment and make this reach to those you are with in some way. This can be in word and action.

Good Luck!

Bye for now.
Regards and Blessings

FREE BOOK – Lead With Grace: Leading Community in Disruptive Times (ebook and PDF)

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Related post – Flowers of Tomorrow

Graditude: Your Ultimate Path to Happiness

Reference – Research
1.    Michael Hyatt (2017). The Gratitude Advantage. Lead to Win podcast.
2.    Watkins, McLaughlin and Parker (2018). Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being: Cultivating Gratitude for a Harvest of Happiness. 
Full name of authors: Philip Charles Watkins (Eastern Washington University, USA), Trese McLaughlin (Eastern Washington University, USA) and Jhenifa P. Parker (Eastern Washington University, USA)
3.    Amy Morin (2014). 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude that Will Motivate You to Give Thanks Year-Round. Forbes Magazine.

Question for Comment BELOW – Why is gratitude important in daily life within the home, workplace and community. Let me know if the memory spike works? Share your story in the comments below.


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